Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rajasthan Police: Jhodhpur: पुलिस की नाक में हुआ दम,अश्लील सीडी प्रकरण से जुड़ी एएनएम लापता,

जोधपुर। राज्य के एक कैबिनेट मंत्री की कथित सीडी को लेकर चर्चा में आई एएनएम भंवरी देवी की तलाश में पुलिस के आला अफसर दिन-रात एक करने में लगे हैं।

सीडी में मंत्री, विधायक समेत तीन नेताओं के नाम सामने आने के कारण रेंज आईजी और ग्रामीण एसपी रात तक बिलाड़ा थाने में डेरा जमा कर उसकी तलाश करवा रहे हैं और एएनएम से जुड़े प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को थाने लाकर पूछताछ कर रहे हैं। पुलिस को एएनएम की हत्या या आत्महत्या की भी आशंका है, इसलिए जोधपुर-पाली के कुओं, बावड़ियों में भी तलाश की जा रही है।

हालांकि एएनएम के पति ने उसके एक सितंबर से लापता होने की रिपोर्ट दी थी, लेकिन चिकित्सा विभाग के मुताबिक वह 25 अगस्त से नौकरी पर नहीं आ रही थी। पुलिस इन सात दिनों में एएनएम से मिलने व फोन पर बात करने वालों की छानबीन कर रही है।

सोमवार को पुलिस ने एएनएम का इश्तिहार जारी कर सूचना देने वाले को इनाम की घोषणा की है। साथ ही सुरक्षा के नाम पर उसके पति को भी पुलिस की निगरानी में रखा हुआ है। पुलिस ने पीएचईडी के उस कांट्रेक्टर को भी पकड़ रखा है जिससे पैसे लेने का कह कर एएनएम घर से निकली थी।

एक एएनएम, तीन नेता और पूरी पुलिस फोर्स!

तीन सीडी, तीन नेता

भंवरी देवी को तलाश करना पुलिस के लिए चुनौती और सरकार का सिरदर्द बना हुआ है। सूत्रों के अनुसार भंवरी के पास तीन सीडी है। इन सीडी से संबद्ध व्यक्तियों में प्रदेश के एक कैबिनेट मंत्री, विधायक और पूर्व उप जिला प्रमुख भी शामिल हैं। इसलिए रेंज आईजी उमेश मिश्रा और ग्रामीण एसपी नवज्योति गोगोई एएनएम भंवरी की तलाश में पूरी ताकत झोंक रहे हैं और हर पल की जानकारी भी सरकार को भेज रहे हैं।

7 दिनों की गुत्थी में उलझी पुलिस

बोरुंदा में नियुक्तएएनएम भंवरी देवी के पति अमरचंद नट ने उसके एक सितंबर को लापता होना बताया है, जबकि जांच में पता चला है कि वह 24 अगस्त को अंतिम बार स्वास्थ्य केंद्र गई थी। उसके बाद वह बिना सूचना गैरहाजिर चल रही है। इन सात दिनों में वह कहां थी, इस संबंध में उसके पति से पूछताछ की जा रही है। पुलिस ने इन सात दिनों में उसके मोबाइल की कॉल डिटेल भी निकाली है तथा जिन लोगों से उसकी बात हुई थी, उनसे भी पूछताछ की जा रही है।

पीएचईडी ठेकेदार से सुराग की उम्मीद

अमरचंद के मुताबिक उसकी पत्नी भंवरी एक सितंबर को खेजड़ला में तिलवासनी निवासी सोहनलाल विश्नोई से मिलने गई थी। अमरचंद का कहना है कि वह सोहनलाल से स्विफ्ट कार बेचने पर बकाया राशि लेने गई थी। पुलिस ने सोहनलाल को भी थाने में बैठा दिया है। सोहनलाल पीएचईडी का ठेकेदार है और काफी समय से भंवरी के संपर्क में था। पुलिस सोहन की बातों को तस्दीक कर रही है।

इनाम घोषित किया

जोधपुर रेंज के पुलिस महानिरीक्षक उमेश मिश्रा ने बताया कि एएनएम भंवरी देवी की तलाश के लिए कई जगह टीमें भेजी गई हैं। कॉल डिटेल, पति और सोहनलाल से पूछताछ में सामने आए लोगों से भी पूछताछ कर रहे हैं। पुलिस ने एएनएम का फोटो व पेंफ्लेट जारी कर उसकी सूचना देने वाले को इनाम की घोषणा कर दी है। भंवरी का कद 5 फीट 6 इंच और रंग गोरा है। उसने कत्थई रंग की डिजाइनदार साड़ी पहन रखी है और उसके दाएं हाथ पर ‘बी’ लिखा हुआ है।

Punjab Police: Chandigarh: पहले पुलिस की गाड़ी का चालान काटो, फिर हमारा

चंडीगढ़. पब्लिक का चालान काटने गई चंडीगढ़ ट्रैफिक पुलिस ने खुद सड़क के कायदे तोड़ दिए। मंगलवार को सेक्टर 17 में होटल के सामने पुलिस ने जहां अपनी गाड़ी खड़ी की, वहीं खड़ी लोगों की गाड़ियों के चालान काटे। इसका लोगों ने विरोध किया और कहा कि पुलिस की गाड़ी भी गलत खड़ी है। इस दौरान पुलिस वाले खुद आईएसआई मार्का हेलमेट नहीं पहने थे।

डीआईजी आलोक कुमार की अगुआई में पुलिस चालान काटने पहुंची थी। पुलिस ने दर्जनों चालान काटे। लोगों को समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि पार्किग के पैसे देने के बाद भी उनके चालान क्यों कट रहे हैं। पुलिस ने लोगों को दलील दी कि सड़क पर वाहन पार्क नहीं हो सकते। पब्लिक भड़की और फिर हंगामा शुरू हो गया।

पब्लिक ने एक पुलिस वाले को घेर लिया और उसके सिर से हेलमेट निकालकर कर दिखाया कि उस पर आईएसआई मार्क नहीं है। लोगों ने यह भी कहा कि पुलिस की गाड़ियां भी नो पार्किग में खड़ी हैं। गुस्साए लोगों ने पुलिसवालों को घेर लिया और कहा कि पहले अपनी गाड़ियों के चालान काटो तभी जाने देंगे। माहौल खराब होते देख अफसर तो चुपचाप निकल लिए, लेकिन हवलदार और कांस्टेबल फंस गए।

इन्होंने फिर मौके पर अपने दो ट्रैफिक इंस्पेक्टर बुलाकर मसला निपटाना चाहा। लेकिन पब्लिक न मानी, उन्होंने इन इंस्पेक्टरों को भी रोके रखा। बाद में पुलिस ने कहा कि वह नगर निगम और पार्किग ठेकेदारों पर भी कार्रवाई करेंगे कि उन्होंने सड़क को कैसे पार्किग बना दिया। इसके बाद लोग शांत हुए।

पुलिस भी हैरान निगम ने कैसे बेच दी सड़क

हंगामे के दौरान जब लोगों ने पुलिस को पेड पार्किग की स्लिप दिखाई, तो पुलिस भी एक बार हैरत में पड़ गई। अब पुलिस ने फैसला किया है, कि वह नगर निगम से बात करेगी कि आखिर किस आधार पर अवैध पार्किग पर लोगों से पैसा वसूला जा रहा है।

पब्लिक को कुछ समझाओ, तो उन्हें गलत ही लगता है। हमने नगर निगम को भी चिट्ठी भेजी है कि आखिर सड़क पर पेड पार्किग कैसे बना दी। उनसे पूछा गया है कि ठेकेदार कैसे उगाही कर रहा है और निगम का रुख क्या है।

Monday, September 5, 2011

KN Police: Banglore Traffic Police: Bangalore City & Traffic

Bangalore City & Traffic

Bangalore today is obviously one of the most sought after cities in the country what with the rapid growth in the IT industry and the rise in the number of job opportunities in the city. With the rising population in the city there is also a corresponding increase in the number of vehicles in the city and a huge increase in the demand on land.

What adds to the traffic pressure in Bangalore in particular is that there is very little scope for expansion of roads and the need to use existing roads for smooth movement of vehicles is even more pronounced. It thus becomes mandatory for the administration to ensure better parking facilities. So far, the government and the BBMP have not taken this issue seriously and now the situation is such that it needs to be addressed seriously and effectively.

Bangalore city Traffic at a glance - Numbers speak!

Rapid population growth because of IT and other associated industries in Bangalore led to an increase in the vehicular population to about 1.5 million, with an annual growth rate of 7-10%.

With the increase in population and the expansion of the city, the problem of connectivity of the populace has arisen. Quite obviously personalized modes of transport have grown at a tremendous rate and two wheelers along with the cars almost comprise 90% of the total registered vehicular population in the city.

Two wheelers constitute more than 70% of the total volume, while cars comprise 15%, autos 4% and the remaining 8% includes other vehicles such as buses, vans and tempos.

Impact of growth on Traffic

• All or most of the roads are operating above their capacity and the volume: capacity ranges from 1:2, 1:3 and 1:5

SL No. Name of Road V/C Ratio
1 Nrupatunga Road 3.62
2 District Office Road 2.51
3 K.G. Road 2.51
4 Lalbagh Fort Road 2.67
5 Puttanna Chetty Road 2.45
6 Richmond Road 2.26
7 M.G. Road 2.26
8 Chord Road 2.51
9 Tumkur Road 2.62
10 Sankey Road 1.52

• Travel speed has dropped to 15 kmph during the peak hours
• Insufficient or no parking spaces for vehicles
• Public transport vehicles vying for road space with private modes

Year Bus fleet size (Nos)
1997 1921
2000 2149
2008 5071
2009 5792
2010 6113

Vehicle Population in Bangalore City (up to 31-12-2009)

Two Wheelers L.M.V A/R H.T.V H.G.V Others Total
2607536 646494 105630 42164 129312 122232 3653368

Vehicle Population in Bangalore City

Gujrat Police: Ahmedabad:अहमदाबाद पुलिस फेसबुकियाएगी, रोज होगा अपडेट...

AHMEDABAD: For all those Facebook aficionados who are trying to bring in some positive changes on city roads, here is a good news: today onwards, the daily live updates will be done by constables of city traffic police from 10 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm everyday.

The social networking site users can post complaints about traffic jams, illegal parking in buildings and individual violation cases. The official note was posted on Monday by the administrators that two constables have been appointed to maintain Facebook traffic.

Nilesh Jajadiya, deputy commissioner of police (traffic), told TOI that the efforts have been well appreciated by citizens. "We are getting good response and we want to keep up the spirit. While we have started forwarding major complaints such as non-functional traffic signals and basement encroachments to civic authorities, we will be able to handle individual complaints in a month's time after a linking system with RTO gets functional," he said.

Talking about the system, the traffic police officials said that a database of the complaints will be made along with photographic or video evidences from the site. The database will then be compared with the existing RTO registrations to identify the vehicle owners and address. The challan then can be sent directly to the offender. While the primary testing will take place earlier next month, the officials are hopeful of its implementation soon.

The Facebook message states that three complaints, posted by the users, were forwarded to concerned police inspectors and assistant commissioners of police (traffic). The complaints where the users posted photos of policemen flouting traffic rules will be supervised by deputy commissioner of police. The register is also maintained about the complaints coming in.

The interaction has started on the site as when a user posted a question about whether to keep the vehicle registration book (RC book) with him as his is with a finance company, the administrators said that there are less chances of him getting caught if he is not violating any rules. However, they emphasized that the rider should have an RC book as a requirement. The posts also signified that the users should also mention time and place while posting photos.

Gujrat Police: Ahmedabad: दोस्ती के चलते पुलिस कांस्टेबल हुआ गिरफ्तार, कांस्टेबल के दोस्त पर लगाया बंगाली बाला ने बलात्कार का आरोप...

AHMEDABAD: Five people, including a police constable, were arrested on Saturday following the complaint of an 18-year-old girl stating that she was raped in a bungalow on Science City Road in the wee hours of Thursday.

Savita (name changed) had told city police that three men, posing as policemen, had entered the bungalow where she was staying and one of them had raped her. She was sent for medical examination and investigations started.

Among those arrested was Balwant Chauhan, 35, a constable with Dholka police. Others were identified as Ramu Bharwad, 32, Raju Desai, 31, Viren Desai and Mukesh Prajapati, both 30. They were arrested after Haresh, driver of the bungalow owner, Kishan Nimbark, revealed that the five had visited the bungalow on the night when the incident occurred.

Balwant and Ramu were Kishan's friends and they had come to visit him. Learning that Kishan had suffered a heart attack, Balwant went to the hospital with Haresh. Mukesh sat outside the bungalow in the car. Ramu, Balwant and Viren went inside the bungalow where they saw Savita. Ramu is reported to have raped Savita threatening her that they were policemen and had wanted to check the residence. They claimed to have received a tip-off about illegal activities happening in the house.

After raping her, Ramu threatened her with dire consequences if she revealed the incident to anybody.

Sola police station inspector V K Jhala said that all the five will be thoroughly interrogated. "We are also looking into the relationship between Kishan and Savita and why she was living in his house," Jhala said.

Savita, a native of Kolkata, said she had come to Ahmedabad on August 27, to give invites for her wedding. She said she was staying with Kishan, a resident of Swapnil Bungalows, a friend whom she wished to invite for her wedding. But he was not keeping well and had requested her to extend her stay by two days. On August 30, Nimbark had to be admitted to a hospital on SG Highway for treatment and two of his family members were constantly accompanying him.

Gujrat Police: Ahmedabad: हेल्थ सर्वे में हुआ खुलासा, अहमदाबाद पुलिस की तबीयत नहीं है ठीक..

AHMEDABAD: A recent health survey of 7,000 policemen in Ahmedabad has showed that although the number of policemen suffering from serious ailments has dipped, their disease profile has changed. However, obesity continues to be a nagging problem for city police. Contrary to the last health checkup in 2008 where most policemen were found to be suffering from heart-related ailments and blood pressure, the organs under threat are now kidney and liver.

One middle-aged policeman was also detected to be HIV positive, which is a first in city police circles.

A massive health check-up drive was conducted by senior police officials last month where 7,000 constables, assistant sub-inspectors and sub-inspectors underwent a medical checkup which included urine and blood examination , x-ray , cardiogram, sonography, eye, dental and orthopedic tests. The police had tied up with 25 private hospitals for the project. The tests, which would normally cost Rs 2,000, were conducted for free by the hospitals.

Shamsher Singh, joint commissioner of police (headquarters), told TOI that some results were pending and officers would be next in line for the tests. "The results have shown a positive trend where out of 7,000 personnel, less than 1,000 show some illness. Of them, diabetes, blood pressure, low hemoglobin and kidney diseases are common ailments," he said. In 2008, out of 1,800 cops who were checked, nearly 50 per cent were found suffering from some or the other illness.

Singh said that the good health profile was because most of the policemen in the current batch were young. The previous study showed over 30 per cent police personnel obese or prone to heart diseases. The ratio is much lower in the 2011 study. "At the moment we have many constables and police sub inspectors who are at the entry level of their career and are below the age of 35 years, hence less prone to serious diseases. The younger staff is found to be fitter and healthier than their older counterparts in the check-ups," said Singh.

Out of 7,000 policemen who were covered in the check-up, at least 3,500 are below the age of 35. This is because 3,000 policemen retired from service in the last two years from various levels in the city.

Gujrat Police: Ahmedabad: सांसद के भतीजे पर गुजरात क्राइम ब्रांच की टेढ़ी नज़र, होगी आतंकी रिश्तों की जांच...

AHMEDABAD: Crime branch is now probing the terror links of Vishal Madam, a historysheeter from Jamnagar who was arrested on Saturday by the city police here. Vishal is a nephew of Jamnagar MP Vikram Madam and had been absconding for several years. He is named as an accused in a number of cases including murder, attempt to murder, kidnapping and extortion.

On Sunday, the city police handed over Vishal to Jamnagar police for further investigations. "He had joined forces with the founder of terrorist outfit, Indian Mujahideen (IM) after 2000. IM has triggered several serial bomb blasts in the country, including the serial bomb blasts of Gujarat in 2008. Vishal was in touch with IM founder Asif Raza Khan. This development took place after 2000 when Vishal played a key role in the ransom kidnapping of two youths, sons of jewelers in Rajkot. He is also accused in a number of cases of arms dealing, fake currency rackets and murders," said crime branch officials.

During interrogation, Vishal revealed some gory details about his criminal history. "He committed his first murder at the age of 16 when he was a school student. He had killed a classmate over a minor quarrel. He had since dreamt of becoming a gangster. Recently, he executed the contract killing of a person over a land dispute. He had earned Rs 8 crore form the contract of killing of a person involved in a Rs 82-crore land deal," said crime branch officials.

He then fled Jamnagar and was now working in a narcotics syndicate. He had shifted base to a hotel in Mumbai for this purpose, said the cops.

Crime branch officials finally caught up with Vishal thanks to his lavish ways and links to several prostitutes. "He had never married and was in touch with prostitutes, especially some Uzbekistan girls. We have recovered call details and photos which prove his link to Uzbek sex workers. We had put his number under surveillance," the officials said.