Sunday, September 11, 2011

JK Police: Police Facebook: कश्मीर के किशोर ने फेसबुक पर डाल दिए पुलिसवालों के नाम, पुलिस ने किया गिरफ्तार...

भारतीय कश्मीर में पुलिस ने फ़ेसबुक का 'ग़लत'इस्तेमाल करने के आरोप में एक किशोर को गिरफ़्तार किया है.

बारहवीं कक्षा में पढ़ने वाले फ़ैज़ान समद ने सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट फ़ेसबुक पर कुछ पुलिसकर्मियों के नाम डाल कर उनपर कश्मीर में चल रहे संघर्ष में 'गद्दारी' करने का आरोप लगाया है.

अधिकारियों का कहना है कि इससे पुलिसवालों की जान को ख़तरा पैदा हो गया है.

भारत विरोधी प्रचार के लिए फ़ैज़ान जैसे हज़ारों कश्मीरी युवा सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं.

चर्चित पत्रकार शेख़ मुश्ताक का कहना है कि कश्मीरी युवा 'आज़ादी के संघर्ष' को इंटरनेट तक लेकर आ गए हैं. वे कहते हैं कि अब सरकार के लिए कश्मीर में जो कुछ घट रहा है उसे छिपाना संभव नहीं है.

वे कहते हैं, "हाल ही में कश्मीर आए सर्वदलीय प्रतिनिधि मंडल जब एसएमएचएस अस्पताल गए वहाँ पर फ़ोटोग्राफ़र और कैमरामैन को जाने की अनुमति नहीं थी. लेकिन वार्ड में किसी ने वहाँ पर भारत के ख़िलाफ़ जो नारे लगे उसे अपने मोबाइल फ़ोन पर कैद कर लिया. बाद में उसने इसे फ़ेसबुक पर पोस्ट कर दिया और हमें मालूम हुआ कि वहाँ क्या हुआ था."

शेख़ मुश्ताक का कहना है कि फ़ेसबुक का इस्तेमाल करने वाले 'सिटीज़न जर्नलिस्ट'बन गए हैं.

हमें आतंकवादी स्थिति का सामना करना पड़ रहा है और किसी भी तरह से इसमें कमी नहीं आई है. इस तरह की गतिविधियों को हमें रोकना ही होगा.
कश्मीर के पुलिस महानिरीक्षक, एसएम सहाय
वे कहते हैं, "जब कोई पत्रकार किसी घटना के बारे में रिपोर्ट करने से चूक जाता है तब सिटीज़न जर्नलिस्ट इस काम को अंजाम देते हैं. हाल ही में हमने एक ऐसे पोस्टर को फ़ेसबुक पर देखा जिसमें भारतीय सुरक्षा बल कह रहे थे कि यदि तुम पत्थर फेंकोगे तो हम फ़ायरिंग करेंगे और तुम्हें क्षति पहुँचाएगें. यह तस्वीर किसी अख़बार या टेलीविज़न पर नहीं दिखी."

पुलिस महानिरीक्षक एसएम सहाय कहते हैं कि फ़ेसबुक पर अपने विचारों का प्रसार करना कोई अपराध नहीं है लेकिन हिंसा फैलाने के लिए इसके इस्तेमाल की अनुमति नहीं दी जा सकती.

सिटीज़न जर्नलिस्ट

वे कहते हैं,"हमें आतंकवाद का सामना करना पड़ रहा है और किसी भी तरह से इसमें कमी नहीं आई है. इस तरह की गतिविधियों को हमें रोकना ही होगा. "

दूसरी तरफ़ सहाय ने हाल ही में फ़ेसबुक पर अपना खोता खोला है. उनका कहना है कि वे चाहते हैं कि युवा क्या सोचते हैं इस बात का उन्हें पता चले साथ ही वे अपने विचारों को उन तक पहुँचाना चाहते हैं.

वे कहते हैं,"कई ऐसे लोग हैं जो कर्फ़्यू के दौरान हमें क्या करना चाहिए इसकी सलाह देते हैं. कुछ लोग समझते हैं कि हमें क्यों कर्फ़्यू लगाना पड़ रहा है, ताकि कम लोग हताहत हो."

सहाय इस बात की पुष्टि करते हैं कि कुछ लोगों को गिरफ़्तार किया गया है. हालांकि वे कहते हैं कि कश्मीर में फ़ेसबुक का इस्तेमाल करने वालों पर निगाह नहीं रखी जा रही है.

वे कहते हैं, "इस गलतफ़हमी को दूर किया जाना चाहिए कि फ़ेसबुक पर नज़र रखी जा रही है. लेकिन यदि हमें इस बात का पता चलता है कि फ़ेसबुक का इस्तेमाल लोगों की जान को क्षति पहुँचाने के लिए की जा रही है तब हम निस्संदेह कार्रवाई करेंगे."

सहाय इस बात की ओर इशारा करते हैं कि फैज़ान समद की उम्र का ध्यान रखते हुए उनके ख़िलाफ़ कोई गंभीर कार्रवाई नहीं की जाएगी

US Police: 9/11 Blast: Americans mark 10th anniversary of September 11 attacks

Americans on Sunday remembered the horror of September 11, 2001, and the nearly 3,000 people who died in the hijacked plane attacks as authorities worked to ensure the emotional 10th anniversary was peaceful.

Law enforcement authorities in New York and Washington were on high alert against what was described as a "credible but unconfirmed" threat of an al Qaeda plot to attack the United States again a decade after the toppling of the World Trade Center's twin towers by hijacked airliners.

Security was especially tight in Manhattan, where police set up vehicle checks on city streets as well as bridges and tunnels coming into the city. There was an unprecedented show of force on New York streets, from roadblocks on Times Square in midtown to the area surrounding Ground Zero further to the south.

Security in lower Manhattan included police barricades on every block near the World Trade Center site with police asking people for identification. People gathered near the site, some clutching American flags, to watch a large screen set up to show a remembrance ceremony here. Some wore T-shirts reading, "Never Forget," a slogan popular since the attacks.

"It was our Pearl Harbor," said John McGillicuddy, 33, a teacher from Yonkers, New York, getting coffee and carrying two American flags on his way to the World Trade Center, referring to the Japanese attack that led America to join World War Two.

"Every year, September is always rough," he said, as he prepared to grieve his uncle, Lieutenant Joseph Leavey, a New York firefighter who died in the south tower on September 11.

"Things have gotten better, we are more aware as a country about things going on in the world," he said.

President Barack Obama arrived in New York on Sunday and will be joined by former President George W. Bush, who was president at the time of the attacks, at the ceremony at Ground Zero.

They were set to join victims' families to hear the reading of the names of those who died on September 11. Bells will toll across the city.

Pope Benedict prayed for September 11 victims and appealed to those with grievances to "always reject violence as a solution to problems and resist the temptation to resort to hate."

In the September 11 attacks, 19 men from the Islamic militant group al Qaeda hijacked airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon outside Washington and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Just weeks after the attacks, U.S. forces invaded Afghanistan to topple that country's Taliban rulers who had harbored the al Qaeda leaders responsible for the September 11 attacks.

In Afghanistan, NATO-led forces said on Sunday that on the eve of the 10th anniversary a suicide bomber driving a truck of firewood attacked a NATO base in central Afghanistan in an operation for which the Taliban later claimed responsibility.

NATO said the Saturday afternoon attack killed two Afghan civilians and injured 77 NATO troops, but did not state the nationality of the troops. It said those injuries were not life-threatening.

To mark the 10th anniversary, Obama was set to visit all three attack sites.

"There should be no doubt: today, America is stronger and al Qaeda is on the path to defeat," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address on Saturday.

U.S. forces killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in May.

Sunday's Ground Zero ceremony was set to include moments of silence marking when the planes hit the twin towers as well as when they collapsed. Other moments of silence will mark when a plane hit the Pentagon and another crashed in Shanksville after passengers fought back against the hijackers.

Bush, who has kept a low profile since leaving office, was in Shanksville on Saturday. "The memory of that morning is fresh, and so is the pain," Bush told a crowd at the site.


New Jersey Governor Chris Christie spoke on Saturday at the opening of a monument to the 746 residents of his state killed in the attacks. The "Empty Sky" memorial in Liberty State Park, across the Hudson River from the World Trade Center, has the names of the dead etched on two 30-foot tall walls, each 208 feet and 10 inches long -- the exact width of the twin towers.

"Their lives mattered," Christie said at the ceremony, which began late because security slowed traffic. "That's why we built this memorial and that's why we come here today."

Security concerns were high in Washington, too. Authorities shut down part of Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia outside the U.S. capital on Saturday because of a suspicious object but later said no explosives were found.

New Yorkers, accustomed to heightened security and alerts that have become commonplace over the past decade, appeared to take the increased police presence in stride.

A decade later, after a faltering start, there are signs of rebuilding progress at the World Trade Center. The new One World Trade Center rises more than 80 stories above the ground as it inches to its planned 1,776 foot height -- symbolic of the year of America's independence from Britain.

The memorial plaza is ready and the neighborhood has enjoyed a revival, making it a trendy Manhattan place to live.

The 2001 attacks were followed by U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the latter of which Obama opposed. The United States still has thousands of troops deployed in both countries.

MS Police: Mumbai Police: मुंबई पुलिस ने की भोजपुरी एक्टर रवि किशन के परिवारवालों से पूछताछ, रवि किशन की नौकरानी ने लगा ली थी 15वें माले से छलांग...


रवि किशन के घर पर काम करने वाली 22 वर्षीय एक नौकरानी ने शुक्रवार को कथित तौर पर एक उंची इमारत से कूदकर जान दे दी.

पुलिस उपायुक्त महेश पाटिल ने बताया कि रुबी साहनी ने उपनगर मलाड में बांगुर नगर इलाके में गार्डन इस्टेट अपार्टमेंट की 14वीं मंजिल से कूदकर जान दे दी.

पाटिल के मुताबिक, रुबी ने रवि किशन के परिवार के यहां दो महीने पहले काम हासिल किया था. उसने अपने आपको घर के बाथरुम के भीतर बंद कर लिया और खिड़की से छलांग लगा दी. घटनास्थल से कोई सुसाइड नोट नहीं मिला है.

पुलिस के मुताबिक, घटना के समय किशन की पत्नी, बच्चे और अन्य नौकर घर के भीतर थे. इस संबंध में छानबीन की जा रही है.

बांगुर नगर पुलिस ने शुक्रवार को रूबी नामक बाई द्वारा किए गए सूइसाइड मामले में भोजपुरी ऐक्टर रवि किशन के परिवार के लोगों के शनिवार को स्टेटमेंट लिए।

प्रारंभिक जांच में पुलिस इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुंची है कि इस सूइसाइड में रवि किशन परिवार कहीं से भी जिम्मेदार नहीं है। लेकिन पुलिस फिर भी यह पता नहीं कर पाई है कि रूबी ने खुदकुशी की क्यों? पुलिस के अनुसार, रूबी के दो बच्चे हैं। उसका पति जयपुर में रहता है।

रवि किशन की पत्नी ने पुलिस को बताया कि रूबी काम में अच्छी थी, लेकिन अक्सर बिना बताए घर से कई घंटे के लिए गायब हो जाती थी। पत्नी के मुताबिक, जब वह टीवी देख रही थीं, तब रूबी बाथरूम की खिड़की से नीचे कूद पड़ी।

Arunachal Pradesh Police: Arunachal Pradesh to upgrade police stations

Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh has sanctioned Rupees 80 crore for opening new police stations and upgrading the existing ones in insurgency-hit Tirap and Changlang districts of the state.

Home Minister Takar Marde who is on an extensive tour of Tirap district since July 26, along with top police and administrative officers, announced this during meetings at several areas of the district, official sources said here.

"The state government is alive to the plethora of problems faced by the two districts and working out modalities to solve them," sources said quoting Marde.

He urged the deputy commissioner and the public leaders to make sufficient land available to implement the central package of establishing security infrastructure at the earliest.

Marde announced that a mass police recruitment drive for the youths of Tirap and Changlang in various categories will be held in the month of September this year and asked the youths, including the girls to take full advantage of the opportunity.

He urged the youths who chose the wrong path by joining various insurgency groups to participate in the police recruitment rally.

The Minister in his public address said that the main purpose of his visit to Tirap was to acquaint himself with the ground realities vis-?-vis insurgency-related problems and said that all the ministers should visit the interior places to have a better grasp of the prevailing situation.

UP Police: Police Transfer: Allahabad HC upholds transfer of nearly 50,000 UP policemen

Allahabad: The Uttar Pradesh government, which had last year shifted nearly 50,000 police personnel across the state, Friday got a shot in its arm with the Allahabad High Court upholding the constitution of regional level boards for such transfers and postings.

A division bench comprising justices Amitav Lala and Ashok Srivastava passed the order while allowing a special appeal filed by the state government which had challenged a single judge order of October 11, 2010.

The single judge order had quashed the transfers of all the police personnel, holding that the regional level boards, constituted by the state government on April 8, 2010 and headed by the IG/DIG concerned, were not in line with the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court in the case of Prakash Singh and others.

Besides, the state government had been directed to "take fresh decision" on postings of the police personnel in accordance with the Supreme Court directives which had laid down that transfers of police personnel in all states be effected by Establishment Boards headed by respective DGPs.

However, the bench set aside the single judge order with the remark "we do not find any reason to interfere with the orders of transfer of constables, head constables and sub-inspectors made by the regional level boards".

Police Career: Police Recruitment: मायावती की घोषणा, दो लाख से ज्यादा पुलिस भर्ती होंगी...

Lucknow: To meet the shortage of manpower in different organs of Uttar Pradesh police about 2.04 lakh police personnel will be recruited soon, state Chief Minister Mayawati said here on Wednesday.

"The government had already started an exercise to recruit 35,000 personnel through police recruitment boards constituted to make the process transparent," Mayawati said while addressing a function organised on the occasion of Police Smriti Diwas here.

To address problems of the police personnel, separate budgetary allocations have been made by the government, she said.

"For modernisation of state force and to equip it with modern weapons and gadgets, the state government had given financial sanction of Rs 246 crore in its budget," she said.

"Similarly to meet residential and non-residential demands of the police a separate budgetary provision of Rs 30.81 crore and 26.76 crore had been made respectively," she added.

Mayawati said that the government was committed for the welfare of the police force, which by making supreme sacrifices in discharge of their duty had done pride to the state.

"The state police had several achievements to its credit in the last one year, including encounter of a dreaded dacoit Ghanshyam Kewat in Chitrakoot last year," she said. "As a result of the government's efforts a number of criminals not only from UP, but other states as well were either killed or had been arrested," she said.

The Chief Minister said that the government will give priority to the problems of kin of martyrs and retired personnel.

"Financial assistance is being extended through insurance schemes and various funds. Directives have been issued to dispose of cases of pensioners on priority," she said.

On the occasion, Mayawati also presented mementos to the kins of the police personnel, who laid their lives in discharge of duty in the last one year.

About 107 personnel of UP Police have laid down their lives in discharge of duties between September 1, 2008 till August 31, 2009, Director General of Police Karamveer Singh said.

Police Career: Police Recruitment: U'khand Police:U'khand to recruit 4,000 cops....

Lucknow: The Uttarakhand government would recruit 4,000 policemen to fill vacancies in the force due to the unwillingness of personnel to shift from Uttar Pradesh to the hilly state even after nine years of its formation.

Uttarakhand chief minister Ramesh Pokahriyal Nishank, who was here to meet his Uttar Pradesh counterpart Mayawati said 4000 policemen were delaying their transfer on different grounds in the past nine years.

"As they had been delaying shifting to Uttarkhand and had been taking recourse in the court, it was felt that fresh appointments of youths of the hill state, having better knowledge of the region, be made to permanently fill the shortfall," he said.

Nishank was here to discuss pending issues relating to division of assets and properties on account of the bifurcation of Uttar Pradesh.

Terming his meeting with Mayawati as positive, Nishnak said he was promised of assistance in organising the "Mahakumbh" in Haridwar early next year.