Thursday, September 29, 2011

Maharastra Police: कयासों पर लगा विराम, K. Subramaniam होंगे महाराष्ट्र के नए DGP...

The state’s senior-most Indian Police Service officer K Subramaniam has been appointed as the state's new police chief. The state home department on Monday cleared the way for his appointment as the state’s director general of police (DGP) and he will replace Ajit Parasnis, who
retires on September 30. Subramaniam, currently the director general of the anti-corruption bureau, belongs to the 1976 IPS batch. Known for his integrity, Subramaniam is one of the most respected officers in the force. He was born in 1952 in Hyderabad, and after completing Masters in in Zoology from Sri Venkateshwara University at Tirupati, he joined the Maharashtra cadre of the IPS in 1976. His first posting in the state was as additional superintendent of police, Islampur. After this, as superintendent of police, he was posted at Satara, Chandrapur and Pune. He served in the Central Bureau of Investigation, on deputation, as a deputy general of police. He was then posted as the additional commissioner of police (south region). Subramaniam has also served as a principal secretary in the state home department before he was transferred to the ACB two years ago.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Police Directory : Orissa: ओडिसा IPS अधिकारियों की डायरेक्टरी...

As On 01-07-2011 INDIAN POLICE SERVICE Sl. No. Name/Qualification, Date of Birth/ Home District (State), Community, I.D.Code No. Recruitment Source, Allotment Year/ Appointment Date/ Confirmation Grade & Date thereof Present Post or Position Station & Date thereof Remarks/ Pay Scale 1 Shri M.M. Praharaj M.A. 28 -2 -1954 Cuttack (Orissa) I.D.No. 19761021 R.R. 1976 14-11-1976 Jr.Scale15-11-1978 15-11-1978 DG & IG of Police, Orissa , Cuttack 30-09-2008(F.N.) Cadre 2 Shri A.K. Upadhyaya M.Sc.(Math.)AIFC 12 -12 -1952 Bhojapur (Bihar) I.D.No. 19761047 R.R. 1976 29-11-1976 Jr.Scale29-11-1978 29-11-1978 Officer without duty , 01.06.2011 3 Shri Anup Ku. Patnaik M.Sc(Phy.), LL.M. 15 -2 -1952 Cuttack (Orissa) I.D.No. 19771008 R.R. 1977 12-11-1977 Jr.Scale13-11-1979 13-11-1979 Director-Cum-DG & IGP Vigilance,Orissa , Cuttack 20-12-2008 Ex-Cadre 4 Shri Prakash Mishra M.A.(Eco), LLB 29 -2 -1956 Puri (Orissa) I.D.No. 19771014 R.R. 1977 11-11-1977 Jr.Scale12-11-1979 12-11-1979 National Investigation Agency , On Central Deputation 5 Shri Sanjeev Marik M.A. (Hist.) 18 -12 -1955 Goda ( Jharkhand) I.D.No. 19811027 R.R. 1981 2-12-1981(A.N.) Jr.Scale19-6-1984 19-6-1984 Addl. D.G.P. Headquarters, Orissa , Cuttack 30.05.2011 Cadre 6 Shri V. Thiagrajan M.A.(Eng.) 31 -10 -1952 Tamilnadu I.D.No. 19811033 R.R. 1981 3-12-1981(A.N.) Jr.Scale4-12-1983 4-12-1983 Addl. DGP Training, Orissa , Bhubaneswar 30.05.2011 Cadre 7 Shri B.K. Behera M.A.(English) 10 -10 -1957 Kalahandi (Orissa) I.D.No. 19821025 R.R. 1982 15-12-1982(F.N.) Jr.Scale15-12-1984 15-12-1984 Addl. DG of Police, Fire Service & C.G. Home Guard , 20-12-2010 Ex-Cadre 8 Shri S.L. Mukherjee M.A. (Pol.Sc.), M.Phil. 10 -9 -1956 Sambalpur (Orissa) I.D.No. 19821032 R.R. 1982 15-12-1982(F.N.) Jr.Scale15-12-1984 15-12-1984 S.P., Computer , Bhubaneswar 28-2-1996 Ex-Cadre 9 Shri Gurubachan Singh B.A., LL.B. 14 -12 -1958 Patna (Bihar) I.D.No. 19841007 R.R. 1984 28-08-1984(F.N.) Confirmed28-08-1986 28-08-1986 Joint.Director, IB HQrs , New Delhi On Central Deputation w.e.f.21.08.1990 10 Shri Ramesh Prasad Singh B.A. (Hons) 4 -11 -1958 Muzaffarpur (Bihar) I.D.No. 19841054 R.R. 1984 17-12-1984(F.N.) Confirmed14-12-1987 14-12-1987 Director-cum-Additional D.G.P, Intelligence, Orissa , Cuttack 25-06-2010 Cadre 11 Shri Kanwar Brajesh Singh M.Sc.(Botany) 15 -5 -1959 Balia (U.P.) I.D.No. 19851042 R.R. 1985 23-12-1985 Jr. Scale23-12-1987 23-12-1987 IG(Trg),ITBP , 23.09.2005(F.N) On Central Deputation 12 Shri Abhaya M.A. 30 -6 -1961 East Champaran(Bihar) I.D.No. 19861007 R.R. 1986 15-12-1985 Confirmed on 15-7-1989 Addl. D.G of Police C.I.D, C.B, Orissa , Cuttack 23.05.2011 Cadre 13 Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sharma M.B.B.S 15 -5 -1960 Rajastan I.D.No. 19861020 R.R. 1986 15-12-1986 Confirmed on 29-6-1989 I.G of Police, National Security Guard (N.S.G), B-Block, 12th Floor, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. New Delhi , 06.09.04(F.N) On Central Deputation w.e.f 06.09.04 P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 14 Shri Pradeep Kapur B.E (Mech. Engg.) 30 -11 -1962 Chandigarh (Panjab) I.D.No. 19861024 R.R. 1986 25-08-1986 Confirmed on 25-8-1988 Addl. D.G of Police, H.R.P.C , Cuttack 25.05.2011 Cadre 15 Shri Bijay Kumar Sharma M.A.(History) Certificat Moyen(French) Graduate Study(Hopkins, USA) 8 -10 -1962 Mayurbhanj (Orissa) I.D.No. 19861038 R.R. 1986 15-12-1986 Confirmed on 15-08-1988 Commissioner of Police, Bhubaneswar-Cuttack , Bhubaneswar 07-05-2008 Cadre 16 Shri M.Nageswar Rao M.S.C (Chemistry) 6 -7 -1960 Warangal (AP) I.D.No. 19861059 R.R. 1986 15-12-1986 Confirmed on 15-08-1988 Addl. D.G of Police, S.A.P , Bhubaneswar 24.05.2011 Cadre 17 Shri Shyam S. Hansdah B.Sc.(Hons) 21 -10 -1953 Mayurbhanj (Orissa)(S.T.) I.D.No. 19861084 R.R. 1986 15-12-1986 Confirmed on 2-7-1989 Director, State Forensic Science Laboratory Bhubaneswar/ Director SCRB & IGP , Bhubaneswar 24.05.2011 Cadre 18 Shri Sunil Kumar Bansal B.Com,LL.B, CA 17 -6 -1962 Jaipur (Rajastan) I.D.No. 19871003 R.R. 1987 15-12-1987 (F.N) Confirmed on 15-12-1989 Joint Director, I.B. , New Delhi 02.06.2006 On central Deputation w.e.f 26-9-1994 19 Shri Sunil Roy M.A (History) 4 -5 -1960 Patna(Bihar) I.D.No. 19871046 R.R. 1987 24-8-1987 (F.N.) in I.P.S24-8-1989 I.G of Police, C.I.S.F, Patna Patna , 02.06.2006 Central Deputation to Govt. of India w.e.f 09.08.04 P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 20 Shri Surendra Panwar M.A LL.B 6 -8 -1961 Maheendragarh, Rewari(Haryana)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19871088 R.R. 1987 4-9-1987 in I.P.S4-9-1989 4-9-1989 IG of Police,Vigilance , 25.09.2009 Cadre 21 Shri Gopabandhu Mallick M.A 5 -1 -1955 Balasore (Orissa)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19871091 R.R. 1987 26-12-1988 in I.P.S26-12-1990 26-12-1990 I.G.P., Investigation,Orissa, OHRC , Bhubaneswar 09.04.2010 Ex-Cadre 22 Shri Satyajit Mohanty M.Sc (Geology),LLB, Master of Human Rights Degree 3 -8 -1961 Bhubaneswar, Khurda,Orissa I.D.No. 19881016 R.R 1988 25-8-1988(F.N) in I.P.S25-8-1990 25-8-1990 On Study Leave , Cadre 23 Shri Manoj Kumar Chhabra M.A. (Phylosophy) 10 -10 -1963 Amritsar (Punjab) I.D.No. 19881023 R.R. 1988 25-8-1988 Director BPR & D,New Delhi , New Delhi 26.10.2009 On Central Deputation w.e.f 05.05.04 24 Shri M. Akhaya M.Sc., M.Phil (Geology) 27 -11 -1961 Ganjam (Orissa) I.D.No. 19881039 R.R. 1988 25-8-1988 in IPS25-8-1990 25-8-1990 I.G. of Police, Personnel, Orissa, , Cuttack 30.06.2010 Cadre 25 Shri Santosh Kumar Upadhaya M.Sc. (Tech)(Applied Geology) 25 -4 -1963 Balasore (Orissa) I.D.No. 19881049 R.R. 1988 25-8-1988 in IPS25-8-1990 25-8-1990 I.G. of police, Vigilance, Orissa , Cuttack 29.06.2010 Ex-Cadre 26 Shri Binyananda Jha M.Phil (Sociology) 12 -3 -1962 Bhagalpur (Bihar) I.D.No. 19881059 R.R. 1988 25-8-1988 FN IPS12-12-1990 12-12-1990 Joint Director,I.B, S.I.B, Imphal , 04.04.2007 On Central Deputation 27 Shri Arun Kumar Ray M.A. (Eco.) 7 -4 -1965 Calcutta (West Bengal)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19881068 R.R. 1988 21-8-1989 IPS24-3-1992 24-3-1992 IG of Police, Intelligence, Orissa, , Cuttack 05.07.2010 Cadre 28 Shri Pranabindu Acharya M.Sc. (Tech) Applied Geology, M.Phil 27 -5 -1964 Balasore (Orissa) I.D.No. 19891003 R.R. 1989 21-8-1989 FN IPS29-9-1991 29-9-1991 I.G. of Police, Prisons & Director Correctional Services, Orissa , Bhubaneswar 01.07.2010 Ex-Cadre 29 Shri Amrit Mohan Prasad M.Tech. 22 -8 -1965 Patna (Bihar) I.D.No. 19891028 R.R. 1989 20-8-1990 FN IPS19-2-1993 19-2-1993 I.G. of Police, Vigilance, Orissa , Cuttack 27.05.2011 Ex-Cadre 30 Smt. B. Radhika M.Sc. 4 -7 -1964 A.P. I.D.No. 19891055 R.R. 1989 21-8-1989 IPS26-9-1992 26-9-1992 Deputy Director, N.C.R.B, M.H.A., New Delhi , New Delhi 06.12.2010 Central Deputation 31 Shri Sidhartha Mahadu Narvane M.Sc. (Horticulture) 23 -6 -1965 Purtham (Maharasthra)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19891074 R.R. 1989 21-8-1989 IPS24-3-1992 24-3-1992 IG of Police, Railways, Orissa , Cuttack 25.05.2011 Cadre 32 Shri Y.B. Khurania B.Com., LL.B. 9 -3 -1966 Haryana I.D.No. 19901006 R.R. 1990 20-8-1990 IPS25-2-1993 25-2-1993 IG of Police, Operation , Bhubaneswar 27.05.2011 Cadre 33 Shri Sudhansu Sarangi MSc.(Inv. Psy.) 13 -7 -1968 Dhenkanal (Orissa) I.D.No. 19901007 R.R. 1990 15-9-1991 IPS21-10-1993 21-10-1993 Chairman-cum-Managing Director,Orissa,Police Housing &Welfare Corporation Ltd. , Bhubaneswar 03.07.2009 Ex-Cadre 34 Shri Arun Kumar Sarangi M.A.(Pol. Sc.) 25 -7 -1965 Bolangir (Orissa) I.D.No. 19901008 R.R. 1990 15-9-1991 IPS21-10-1993 21-10-1993 IG of Police, Law & Order, Orissa, Cuttack , 31-12-2008 Cadre 35 Shri Mahendra Pratap M.A. 1 -1 -1961 Ajamgarh (U.P.)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19901078 R.R. 1990 15-9-1991 IPS IG of Police,Fire Service & Home Guard, Orissa, , Cuttack 30.04.2010 Cadre 36 Shri Debasis Panigrahi M.A.(Pol.Sc)(M. phil) 29 -8 -1965 Balasore (Orissa) I.D.No. 19911021 R.R. 1991 15-9-1991 Special Secretary to Govt. Home Department , Bhubaneswar 27.05.2011 Cadre 37 Shri Lalit Das B.E. (Engg), M.Tech. 5 -7 -1964 Rourkela (Orissa) I.D.No. 19921015 R.R. 1992 11-10-1992 IPS I.G. of Police, Modernisation, Orissa , Cuttack 27.05.2011 Cadre 38 Smt.Sapna Tewari B.A.(Hons), MBA 28 -4 -1966 Jeypur (Rajasthan) I.D.No. 19921067 R.R. 1992 29-12-1992 Deputy Director,I.B. Headquarters New Delhi , 17.12.2009 On Central Deputation to Govt. of India from 1.12.1998. P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 39 Shri S.K. Nath M.Tech. 1 -7 -1967 Rourkela (Orissa) I.D.No. 19931022 R.R. 1993 4-9-1994 I.G of Police, C.I.D C.B, Orissa , Cuttack 25.05.2011 Cadre 40 Shri Vinaytosh Mishra B.Sc(Engg.) 3 -11 -1966 Madhubani (Bihar) I.D.No. 19931027 R.R. 1993 5-9-1993 D.I.G. Of Police , CISF, Bokaro , 03.11.2008 Central Deputation 41 Shri Raosheb Punjabrao Koche M.A. 1 -8 -1968 Amarabati (Maharasthra)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19931064 R.R. 1993 5-9-1993 I.G.P (N.R.) , Sambalpur 25.05.2011 Cadre 42 Shri Sanjeeb Panda M.Tech. 7 -7 -1968 Cuttack (Orissa) I.D.No. 19941010 R.R. 1994 3-9-1995 D.I.G. of Police, Intelligence, Orissa , Cuttack 03.09.2010 Ex-Cadre 43 Shri Yeswant Kumar Jethwa B.E. (Electronic Engg.) 17 -4 -1968 Bombay (Maharasthra)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19941064 R.R. 1994 4-8-1994 D.I.G. of Police, Western Range , Rourkela 29.06.2010 Cadre 44 Shri R.K. Sharma M.Com., C.A. 22 -9 -1966 Rajasthan I.D.No. 19951024 R.R. 1995 3-9-1995 D.I.G of Police (S.R) , Berhampur 25.12.2009 Cadre 45 Smt. Ritu Arora M.A.(Pol. Sc.) 13 -8 -1970 Lucknow (U.P.) I.D.No. 19951036 R.R. 1995 4-9-1995 Addl Commissioner of Police, BBSR-CTC , Bhubaneswar 24.12.2009 Cadre 46 Shri S.K. Priyadarshi B.Tech. 29 -5 -1969 Khurda (Orissa) I.D.No. 19951041 R.R. 1995 3-9-1995 D.I.G of Police S.W.R. , Koraput 29.08.2010 Cadre 47 Dr. Santosh Bala M.B.B.S. 15 -9 -1969 Ghaziabad (U.P.)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19951042 R.R. 1995 3-9-1995 D.I.G of Police, N.C.R , Talcher 30.05.2011 Cadre 48 Shri P.S. Ranpise M.Tech.(Elect.) 9 -5 -1968 Maharasthra(S.C.) I.D.No. 19951065 R.R. 1995 28-12-1995 D.I.G of Police, Personnel, Orissa , Cuttack 25.05.2011 Cadre 49 Shri S.K. Palsania B.E. (Hons) 13 -7 -1968 Jaipur (Rajasthan) I.D.No. 19961004 R.R. 1996 5-9-1996 D.I.G,CBI,Anti-Corruption Branch , New Delhi 01.04.2010 Central Deputation w.e.f. 12/07/2006 50 Shri Arun Bothra B.A. 16 -11 -1968 Jaipur (Rajasthan) I.D.No. 19961039 R.R. 1996 7-9-1997 D.I.G S.C.B., CBI, Kolkata , Kolkata 30.07.2010 Central Deputation 51 Ms.Sunita Kakran M.A., M.Phil 7 -9 -1969 Delhi (S.C.) I.D.No. 19961075 R.R. 1996 5-9-1996 Dy. Director, I.B.,MHA, , New Delhi 03.05.2010 Central Deputation 52 Shri S.K. Singh B.A. (Hons) 8 -1 -1965 Bihar I.D.No. 19961079 R.R. 1996 5-9-1996 DIG, CBI , New Delhi 02.08.2010 Central Deputation 53 Shri D.K. Pattanayak M.A.(Sociology) 21 -12 -1971 Bolangir (Orissa) I.D.No. 19971027 R.R. 1997 7-9-1997 S.P. , Rourkela 13.06.2009 Cadre 54 Shri A.K. Panigrahi M.Sc(Ag) 1 -7 -1971 Ganjam (Orissa) I.D.No. 19971046 R.R. 1997 25-8-1997 (FN) D.I.G of Police, S.A.P, Orissa , Cuttack 06.06.2011 Cadre 55 Shri K.D.Sambhaji B.E. (Computer) 24 -2 -1968 Maharasthra(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 19971013 R.R. 1997 7-9-1997 D.I.G of Police, Central Range , Cuttack 30.05.2011 Cadre 56 Shri Sanjay Kumar B.A. (Hons) 25 -9 -1969 Muzaffarpur (Bihar)(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 19971074 R.R. 1997 7-9-1997 D.I.G of Police, Eastern Range , Balasore 30.05.2011 Cadre 57 Smt. Rekha Lohani M.A. (Eco.) 22 -2 -1973 New Delhi(S.C.) I.D.No. 19971075 R.R. 1997 25-8-1997 Addl. Commissioner of Police, Commissionerate,BBSR-CTC , Bhubaneswar 24.05.2011 Ex-Cadre 58 Shri Amitabh Thakur B.A. (Hons) 11 -8 -1972 Darbhang (Bihar) I.D.No. 19981014 R.R. 1998 7-9-1998 S.P., CBI, EOW, , Mumbai 13.08.2008 Central Deputation 59 Shri Dayal Gangwar B.A. (Hons) 6 -2 -1972 Barreilly (U.P.)(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 19981053 R.R. 1998 28-12-1998 S.P. , Jharsuguda 30.05.2011 Cadre 60 Mrs.N.B. Bharathi M.A. (Pol.Sc.) 29 -6 -1968 Karnataka(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 19981065 R.R. 1998 7-9-1998 Joint Deputy Director, I.B., , New Delhi 15.01.2009 Central Deputation 61 Shri Rajesh Kumar M.Sc. (Phy.) 15 -3 -1971 Lucknow (U.P.)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19981073 R.R. 1998 7-9-1998 S.P. , Balasore 29.12.2009 Cadre 62 Shri Suresh Singh Dev Dutta Singh M.A. 1 -3 -1971 Banda (U.P.) I.D.No. 19981040 R.R. 1998 7-9-1998 S.P. , Jagatsinghpur 13.06.2009 Cadre 63 Shri Ravi Kant B.Sc. (Hons), Phy. 5 -1 -1972 Bhagalpur (Bihar)(S.C.) I.D.No. 19981079 R.R. 1998 7-9-1998 S.P., CBI , New Delhi 23.09.2008 Central Deputation 64 Shri Ghanashyam Upadhyay M.A(Hist.) 10 -8 -1973 U.P. I.D.No. 19991006 R.R. 1999 20-9-1999 S.P., CBI , New Delhi 25.08.2008 Central Deputation 65 Shri Prateek Mohanty Master of Intl. Business, Orissa 15 -5 -1973 Orissa I.D.No. 20001004 R.R. 2000 4-9-2001 S.P, Vigilance , Berhampur 14.01.2010 Cadre 66 Shri Yatindra Koyal M.Tech. 18 -8 -1973 Mandsur (M.P.)(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 20001029 R.R. 2000 2-9-2001 S.P-1, CBI, ACB, Bhopal , 01.09.2008 Central Deputation 67 Ms. S.Shyni M.A. (Eng.) PG Diploma Communication & Journalism 3 -7 -1975 Kerala(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 20011024 R.R. 2001 2-9-2001 S.P.,C.B.I , Kochi 25.08.2009 Central Deputation 68 Dr.(Mrs)Soorya Thankappan M.B.B.S. 16 -4 -1976 Kerala(S.C.) I.D.No. 20011033 R.R. 2001 26-12-2001 S.P., , Mayurbhanja 15.06.2011 Cadre 69 Shri S. Praveen Kumar Company Secretary 7 -7 -1973 Hyderabad (A.P.) I.D.No. 20021008 R.R. 2002 2-9-2002 Deputy Commissioner of Police , Cuttack 30.05.2011 Cadre 70 Shri Amitendra Nath Sinha LL.B. 10 -7 -1974 Bihar I.D.No. 20021019 R.R. 2002 2-9-2002 S.P , Puri 30.05.2011 Cadre 71 Shri Narasingha Bhol B.Tech. 18 -3 -1971 Cuttack (Orissa)(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 20021024 R.R. 2002 23-12-2002 S.P. , Kendrapada 04.06.2010 Cadre 72 Shri Gajbhiye S. K. Iswardas M.A. 14 -9 -1968 Nagpur (Maharasthra)(S.C.) I.D.No. 20021030 R.R. 2002 23-12-2002 S.P , Dhenkanal 10.11.2008 Cadre 73 Smt. Kavita Jalan B.A., LL.M. 31 -1 -1977 U.P. I.D.No. 20031006 RR 2003 01-09-2003 S.P. , Baragarh 03.06.2011 Cadre 74 Shri Himanshu Kumar Lal B.A., MBA 10 -10 -1974 Bihar I.D.No. 20031023 RR 2003 01-09-2003 S.P , Rourkela 03.06.2011 Cadre 75 Shri Nikhil Kumar Kanodia B.A., (Economics Hons) 9 -9 -1978 Delhi I.D.No. 20031024 RR 2003 01-09-2003 S.P , Sambalpur 31.05.2011 Cadre 76 Shefeen Ahamed K. B.Tech 13 -8 -1976 Kerala I.D.No. 20031028 RR 2003 01-09-2003 S.P. , Berhampur 25.12.2009 Cadre 77 Shri Sanjay Kumar Kaushal B.Tech. 12 -3 -1977 Chhatisgarh(S.C.) I.D.No. 20031037 RR 2003 22-12-2003 S.P. , Nuapada 13.06.2011 Cadre 78 Shri Ashish Kumar Singh B.A(Socio.) 5 -3 -1980 Ambdkarnagar(U.P) I.D.No. 20041030 R.R. 2004 06-09-2004 (FN) SP., , Keonjhar 01.01.2010 Cadre 79 Shri Deepak Kumar M.B.B.S 1 -6 -1979 Bijnor(U.P) I.D.No. 20041038 R.R. 2004 27-12-2004 SP., , Jajpur 03.06.2011 Cadre 80 Shri Satyabrata Bhoi MA(Eco.) 26 -3 -1975 Kalahandi, Orissa I.D.No. 20041049 R.R. 2004 27-12-2004 S.P. , Angul 04.01.2010 Cadre 81 Shri Nitinjeet Singh BE 29 -9 -1978 SAS Nagar ( Mohali), Punjab I.D.No. 20041081 R.R. 2004 09-06-2004 Deputy Commissioner of Police , Bhubaneswar 01.06.2011 Cadre 82 Shri Sanjeev Arora Chartered Accountant 2 -9 -1981 Amritsar (Punjab) I.D.No. 20051027 R.R. 2005 22.08.2005 S.P , Sundargarh 29.05.2011 Cadre 83 Shri Jai Narayan Pankaj B.A. 3 -5 -1976 Bihar(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 20051057 R.R. 2005 22.08.2005 S.P., , Kandhamal 30.05.2011 Cadre 84 Ms. Amrita Dash M.A.(Sociology), Mphil, 5 -9 -1980 Orissa I.D.No. 20061089 R.R. 2006 S.P, Vigilance , Bhubaneswar 03.03.2011 Cadre 85 Anoop Krishna MSc.(Fisheries) 31 -5 -1981 Kerela I.D.No. 20061098 R.R. 2006 S.P, (I/C) , Rayagada 30.12.2009 Cadre 86 Shri Anup Ku. Sahoo M.A.(Eco.), Mphil 1 -4 -1978 Orissa(O.B.C.)O.B.C. I.D.No. 20061244 R.R. 2006 S.P, (I/C) , Koraput 30.12.2009 Cadre 87 Shri Anirudha Ku. Singh MSc.(Statistics) 1 -1 -1978 Bihar(O.B.C.)O.B.C. I.D.No. 20061272 R.R. 2006 S.P, (I/C) , Malkangiri 03.01.2010 Cadre 88 Ms Sudha Singh M.C.A. 30 -1 -1979 Delhi(S.C.)S.C. I.D.No. 20071343 R.R. 2006 S.P, (I/C) , Kalahandi 30.12.2009 Cadre 89 Dr. Sarthak Sarangi MBBS 5 -7 -1977 Bhubaneswar, Khurda Orissa I.D.No. 20071059 R.R. 2007 S.P. , Gajapati 17.12.2010 Cadre 90 Shri Satyendra Kumar M.Tech 14 -5 -1978 Kaimur, Bihar(O.B.C.) I.D.No. 20071149 R.R. 2007 S.P. , Boudh 11.12.2010 Cadre 91 Shri Awinash Kumar B. Tech 16 -10 -1979 Patna, Bihar I.D.No. 20071159 R.R. 2007 S.P. , Bolangir 02.06.2011 Cadre 92 Shri Niti shekhar B.E. 19 -12 -1978 Patna, Bihar I.D.No. 20071189 R.R. 2007 S.P. , Nawarangpur 10.12.2010 Cadre 93 Shri Pandit Rajesh Uttamrao B.E.(Mech) 7 -6 -1973 Hingoli, Moharastra(S.C.) I.D.No. 20071289 R.R. 2007 S.P. , Ganjam 15.06.2011 Cadre 94 Shri Umashankar Dash M.B.A 15 -7 -1980 Mayurbhanj, Orissa I.D.No. R.R. 2008 01.09.2010 01.09.2010 S.D.P.O. , Malkangiri 14.12.2010 95 Shri Prakash. R Bsc(Chemistry) 16 -7 -1979 Thwthukudi, Tamilnadu I.D.No. R.R. 2008 01.09.2008 01.09.2008 S.D.P.O. , Bisamkatak 96 Shri Satyajit Nayak B.V.S.C & A.H. 28 -6 -1976 Jharsuguda, Orissa I.D.No. R.R. 2008 02.12.2008 02.12.2008 S.D.P.O. , Baliguda 97 Shri Akhileswar Singh M.A. (Hist.) 16 -8 -1979 Ghazipur (UP) I.D.No. R.R. 2009 31.08.2009 U/T , Keonjhar 98 Shri Brijesh Kumar Rai M.A. (Pol.Sc.) 12 -12 -1978 Allahabad (UP) I.D.No. R.R. 2009 31.08.2009 U/T , Kandhamal 99 Charah Singh Meena M.A. (Hist.) 4 -1 -1980 Sawai Madhopur (Rajsthan) I.D.No. R.R. 2009 21.12.2009 U/T , Malkangir 100 Shri Mitrabhanu Mahapatra - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 101 Ms. Sarah Sharma - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 102 Shri Kanwar Vishal Singh - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 103 Shri Ashish Kumar Singh - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 104 Shri Sunil Joshi - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 105 Ms. Parul Gupta - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 106 Shri Thiyagarajan S.M - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 107 Shri K. Siva Subramani - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 , 108 Ms. Alka Meena - - I.D.No. R.R. 2010 Alloted on the basis of Civil Service Exam. 2009 ,

Maharastra Police: Mumbai: Fake Cops: मुंबई पुलिस ने पकड़ी फर्जी पुलिसवालें बनाने की फैक्ट्री...

Police Academy: Fake it or leave it • Police uniforms, ID cards, handcuffs... murder accused Royal Edward Sequeira operated a well-equipped school that churned out fake cops • Showed ‘students’ how cops spoke, dressed, walked, and where they ate; once ready, they were used for extortion, robbery, even murder Nazia Sayed Posted On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 02:55:04 AM His students called him Roy. They always found him immaculately dressed, and marveled at the effort he put in to look every inch a senior police officer. They recalled a day when he pulled up one among them for not shaving - "Cops never look shabby" - he had shouted at him.
Thirty-two-year-old Royal Edward Sequeira was many things to many people, but it’s this former police informer turned fake cop's factory that churned out more fake policemen that has stunned even the battle-hardened officers. He groomed his 'students', taught them how cops spoke and walked, showed them places where they ate, made them dress like policemen... and once ready, used them for extortion, robbery and even murders. Sequeira has more than 50 cases registered against him. He was arrested around 10 days ago, along with Mohammad Mehboob Abdul Hamid Shaikh (27), Deepak Tersu Singh (26) and Anuj Chougule (22), while on their way to rob a jeweller in Kurla. Interrogation revealed Sequeira's training school was a professional affair. He selected students, such as Shaikh, Singh and Chougule, only when he was convinced of their 'credentials'. In this case, he had shared a prison cell with Chougule, who in turn introduced him to history sheeters Shaikh and Singh. Crime Branch sources said not all qualified to learn police techniques from Sequeira. There were boxes to tick, such as the trainee's built and voice, basic education was a must to make sure they picked up legal terms, their command over Marathi, and above all, the trainees must have the confidence to pull off the cop act. There was a test too, which determined whether the students were ready for the actual thing. Sequeira would send them on a test run, handing out tasks such as conning women out of their jewellery, or extorting money from hoteliers posing as cops. The successful lads would be drafted in the gang. The others not found up to the mark were not discarded; they were used for robberies, extortion and kidnapping. On his part, he ensured that his students never fell short of equipment. Cops have recovered police uniforms, ID cards and even handcuffs from the gang's hideout in Vasai.
Sequeira’s Murky past Senior Inspector Praful Bhosle (Crime Branch Unit 5) said, “Sequeira has been handed over to Mahabaleshwar police in a murder case, but his interrogation has given us a few leads that we are following. We recovered a photograph of Roy, which showed him wearing a police uniform, and a fake police ID card bearing name of Vijay Ganesh Pawar. A fake driving license was seized from Chougule, apart from weapons.” Joint Commissioner of Police Himanshu Roy said, “We are investigating whether Sequeira and his gang were involved in the recent cases of fake cops robbing women of their jewellery. His arrest is a huge breakthrough.” Know the cops Fake cops target evening walkers, especially women, considering them soft targets. In most cases, the walkers were approached by a couple of men, who would identify themselves as policemen. Saying a murder had taken place in the area, the conmen would ask the women for their jewellery, asking them to collect it from the police station while returning home. In most cases, the unsuspecting victims would comply. DCP Mahesh Patil (Zone 11) said, “Always insist on the ID card, but don’t just stop at that. Store the number of your local police station in your phone book, and call up to ask whether such drive is on. Raise an alarm if the robbers use force.”

Maharastra Police: Mumbai: IPS Had famously told a female junior: ‘Aap aaye, bahaar aayi’, Now State Human Rights Commission ordered him to pay a Rs 50,000 fine....

In a landmark order the State Human Rights Commission has asked a senior IPS officer to pay a Rs 50,000 fine to his junior female colleague for sexual harassment. The case which had created a stir in Mumbai police circles when it was first reported in 2002, involves IPS officer Jawahar Singh, at present under suspension for another matter, and Assistant Police Inspector Neelam Bhagat who is now with the state CID (Criminal Investigations Department) in Kolhapur. In March 2002, Bhagat was posted as sub-inspector in the anti-narcotics wing of the Mumbai police where Singh was the Deputy Police of Commissioner.
According to her complaint, filed on March 1, 2002, Singh had called Neelam Bhagat into his room over consecutive days and passed deeply offensive remarks about her clothing, at first calling it flimsy, and then on another day berating her for covering herself up. Singh allegedly said: “Why do you have to cover yourself with a dupatta so tightly that nothing can be seen? You could have worn it higher.” On a third occasion, he called her into his office and famously remarked: 'Aap aaye, bahaar aayi.' A distressed Bhagat had burst into tears and rushed out, but later she filed an official complaint against Jawahar Singh. Initially, the complaint was not taken seriously and Bhagat was offered a transfer from the department, which she refused. But after the matter was reported in the media, Jawahar Singh was transferred.
An inquiry conducted by then Additional Chief Secretary (Home) was inconclusive after which Bhagat took up the matter with the State Human Rights Commission. Finally, nine years after her ordeal, the complaint redressal committee ruled in her favour and ordered the compensation which will be recovered from Singh, confirmed a senior home department officer, adding that an order to this effect had been issued on September 23. Singh, who remains a controversial officer-he was suspended as Inspector General (Jails) after conducting a sting operation against another woman colleague, Aurangabag jail superintendent Swati Sathe, ostensibly to show her in poor light - refused to comment on the SHRC compensation saying they had not called him for a hearing. Neelam Bhagat, too, refused to comment on the matter.

Rajasthan Police: अब मंत्री के बयान पर बवाल, पुलिस से कहा-पिटकर नहीं,पीटकर आओ!

जयपुर.गृह मंत्री शांति धारीवाल की ओर से रविवार को आरपीए में दिए गए विवादास्पद बयान के बाद बवाल हो गया है। धारीवाल ने पुलिसकर्मियों को सलाह दी थी कि किसी गांव में पिटने की स्थिति में दुबारा ट्रक भरकर जाकर सबक सिखाएं। मंगलवार को इस बयान पर धारीवाल ने कहा कि उनकी जुबान फिसल गई थी, उनका अभिप्राय पुलिस का इकबाल बनाए रखने और अपराधियों को सबक सिखाने से था। बेकसूरों को पीटने की सलाह देने का नहीं था। इस पर कांग्रेस प्रदेशाध्यक्ष डॉ. चंद्रभान ने कहा कि मैंने बयान सुना या पढ़ा नहीं है, लेकिन मेरा कहना है कि जो लोग सार्वजनिक जीवन में हैं उनको मर्यादित भाषा का उपयोग करना चाहिए। भाजपा ने भी गृह मंत्री के बयान की आलोचना की है।
पहले भी दे चुके हैं विवादित बयान : > 17 जुलाई को कोटा में रेंज मीटिंग में भी कहा था, पुलिस कहीं पिट जाए तो और ज्यादा तादाद में लौटकर वहां जाओ और पीटने वालों घेरकर पीटो और अच्छी तरह सबक सिखाओ। >जयपुर में अगस्त में शूटिंग रेंज के उद्घाटन के समय कहा, नगर निगम नरक निगम बन गया है। >जयपुर में मेट्रो के काम से सड़कों की स्थिति पर कहा, मेट्रो का सुख लेना है तो गड्ढे तो झेलने ही पड़ेंगे। यह कहा था धारीवाल ने बेकसूर पिट जाएं तो भी कोई बात नहीं पिट के मत आओ। अगर तीन मुल्जिमों को पकड़ने के लिए आपने दो कांस्टेबल गांव में भेज दिए, और वो पिट गए तो वापस गांव में जाओ। ट्रक भर के जाओ और गांव को घेरो, चाहे तो दो-चार बेकसूर पिट जाएं, कोई बात नहीं। लेकिन पिटकर मत आओ।

Delhi Police: Anna Hazare: दिल्‍ली पुलिस के खिलाफ टीम अन्‍ना खोलेगी मोर्चा, शुरुआत संसद मार्ग थाने

नई दिल्‍ली. रिश्‍वत की परंपरा को जड़ से मिटाने के संकल्‍प के साथ टीम अन्‍ना बुधवार को अभियान शुरू करेगी। इस अभियान की शुरुआत राजधानी के पार्लियामेंट स्‍ट्रीट थाने से होगी जहां पुलिसवालों से यह संकल्‍प लेने के लिए कहा जाएगा कि वो कभी रिश्‍वत नहीं लेंगे। अभियान से जुड़े लोग पुलिसवालों से इस बारे में लिखित आश्‍वासन देने को भी कहेंगे।
शहीद भगत सिंह की जयंती के मौके पर शुरू किया जा रहा यह अभियान देश की राजधानी में इस तरह का दूसरा अभियान है। इससे पहले बीते 21 सितंबर को वॉलंटियर एमसीडी के डिप्‍टी कमिश्‍नर दफ्तर गए थे। टीम अन्‍ना के एक सदस्‍य ने बताया, ‘अपने अभियान के तहत हम पार्लियामेंट स्‍ट्रीट पुलिस स्‍टेशन जाएंगे।’ इस पुलिस स्‍टेशन को अभियान की शुरुआत के लिए चुने जाने के बारे में उन्‍होंने कहा कि भगत सिंह को गिरफ्तार करने के बाद इसी थाने में लाया गया था।

Rajasthan Police: पुलिस को गृहमंत्री की सलाह, पिट कर नहीं पीट कर आओ...

जयपुर।। राजस्थान के गृहमंत्री शांति धारीवाल ने पुलिस से कहा है कि कहीं से भी पिट कर मत आओ, बल्कि पीट कर आओ। शांति धारीवाल ने पुलिसवालों को यह सलाह एक कार्यक्रम में दी। उन्होंने उदाहरण देते हुए कहा कि अगर 3 लोगों को पकड़ने के लिए 2 कॉन्स्टेबल गांव में जाएं और वे 2 पिट जाएं तो फिर गांव में ट्रक भरकर जाओ और पूरे गांव को घेरो। चाहे कुछ लोग बेकसूर पिट जाएं। कोई बात नहीं। धारीवाल ने पुलिस का दबदबा बरकरार रखने के लिए इसे जरूरी बताया।
मंत्री के भाषण का असर भी पुलिस पर तुरंत दिखा। धारीवाल की सलाह के कुछ ही घंटों के भीतर अजमेर में पुलिस ने स्कूली बच्चों पर लाठी चार्ज किया। राइट टु एजुकेशन वाले इस देश में ये बच्चे केवल अपने स्कूल का ताला खुलवाने की मांग कर रहे थे। अभी हाल ही में जमीन के एक टुकड़े के लिए भरतपुर के दंगे में 10 लोगों की मौत हुई थी। इनमें से 2 की मौत पुलिस की गोली से हुई थी।