Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Police Directory: MP Police: Khandwa Police: खंडवा पुलिस की डॉयरेक्टरी..

Police Department : East Nimar Khandwa S.No. Officer Office Residence 01. Superintendent Of Police,Khandwa 2222100 2222200 02. Addl. Suptdt. of Police 2222100 2224162 03. CSP,Khandwa 2226690 2224166 04. DSP,Khandwa 2222100 2228905 05. Police Control Room 2226690 06. SDO Police Mundi 2286736 07. SDO Police Harsud 2232049 08. District Special Branch 2224168 - 09. District Reserve Police 2222303
Police Stations Of District Police Station Name OFFICE RESIDENTIAL No. OF INCHARGE CITY KOTWALI 2224101 - S.O.MOGHAT THANA 2224167 - PANDHANA THANA 2287227 - BORGAON CHOWKI 2285877 - PIPLOD THANA 2286435 - CHHAIGAONMAKHAN THANA 2285327 - JAWAR THANA 2283629 - S.D.O.MUNDI 2286736 - MANDHATA THANA 2271227 -
DHANGAON THANA 2278830 - S.D.O.HARSUD 2232049 - BALDI THANA - - KHALWA THANA 2282731 - Asp Khandwa,+919479994702 CspKhandwa MukeshVaishya,+919479994703 CspKhandwa MukeshVaishya,+919425028825 DspHqKhandwa KSBhuriya,+919479994704 DspAjkKhandwa RMahobiya,+919479994705 DspAjkKhandwa RMahobiya,+919425362155 SdopMundi KiranLashkarkar,+919479994706 SdopMundi KiranLashkarkar,+919425085788 SdopHarsud MankamnaPrasad,+919479994707 SdopHarsud MankamnaPrasad,+919425077726 DspAjkTwo VirendraSinghGurjar,+919425462529 DspAjkTwo VirendraSinghGurjar,+919479994708 IcFSLKhandwa SaiyadEjajuddin,+919826286752 RiKhandwa Santosh Koul,+919479994709 RiKhandwa SantoshKoul,+919826377729 IcDSB Khandwa,+919479994710 AoSBKhandwa SiRandhawa,+919479994693 AsiGeete DSBKhandwa,+919479994694 Steno SPofficeKhandwa,+919479994777 Reader SPofficeKhandwa,+919479994786 OM SPofficeKhandwa,+919479994795 MToKhandwa Bagadi,+919479994695 TiKotwali UbTiwari,+919479994711 TiKotwali UbTiwari,+919425461616 TiMoghatroad UcTiwari,+919479994712 TiMoghatroad UcTiwari,+919425415999 TiChhegaon DRMale,+919479994713 TiChhegaon DRMale,+919826584281 TiPandhana AjitPatel,+919479994714 TiPandhana AjitPatel,+919425086166 TiJawar YsThakur,+919479994715 TiJawar YsThakur,+919424535058 TiMandhata SsBhadoriya,+919479994717 TiMandhata SsBhadoriya,+919425361095 TiMundi BkMishra,+919479994718 TiMundi BkMishra,+919425916610 TiDhangaon RsMujalde,+919479994719 TiDhangaon RsMujalde,+919424896588 TiNarmadaNagar RjDhurve,+919479994720 TiNarmadaNagar RjDhurve,+919424078192 TiHarsud RsVishwakarma,+919479994721 TiHarsud RsVishwakarma,+919406660666 TiKhalwa KsRawat,+919479994722 TiKhalwa KsRawat,+919993826698 TiKillod GsAhirwar,+919479994723 TiKillod GsAhirwar,+919425468269 SoPiplod SiBaghel,+919479994716 SoPiplod SiBaghel,+919424033030 SubTraffic SunilDixit,+919479994724 SubTraffic SunilDixit,+919425122659 IcPadamNagar SiAtode,+919479994678 IcPadamNagar SiAtode,+919826477780 IcRameshwar SiBhavsar,+919479994680 IcRameshwar SiBhavsar,+919907839088 IcDeshgaon SiNarvariya,+919479994690 IcDeshgaon SiNarvariya,+919617474335 IcPunasa SiParaste,+919479994757 IcPunasa SiParaste,+919300214573 IcRoshni SiMarko,+919479994769 IcRoshni SiMarko,+919425867837 IcBorgaon AsiPatidar,+ 919479994730 IcBorgaon AsiPatidar,+919926570894 IcMortakka AsiPawar,+919424005077 IcMortakka AsiPawar,+919479994744 Si HLChouhanKotwali,+919424360296 Si HLChouhanKotwali,+919479994659 Si BSChouhanKotwali,+919479994658 Si BSChouhanKotwali,+919926665404 Si PathakKotwali,+919479994659 Si PathakKotwali,+919977100100 Si KoliMoghatroad,+919479994677 Si KoliMoghatroad,+919425480993 Si DawarMoghat,+919479994676 Si DawarMoghat,+919425460221 Asi BlMoreKotwali,+919479994663 Asi BlMoreKotwali,+919926530295 Asi PatilKotwali,+919479994664 Asi PatilKotwali,+919770374817 Asi NMQuraisiKotwali,+919479994660 Asi NMQuraisiKotwali,+919927414999 Asi Ashok SharmaKotwali,+919479994661 Asi Ashok SharmaKotwali,+919425968742 Asi GSTiwariKotwali,+919827799844 Asi JagatpalKotwali,+919977194719 Asi VermaMoghat,+919479994682 Asi VermaMoghat,+919926816518 Asi SapkadeMoghat,+919827639819 Asi SapkadeMoghat,+919479994683 Asi DubeyMoghat,+919424078707 Asi DubeyMoghat,+919479994684 Asi PrajapatiMoghat,+919479994681 Asi PrajapatiMoghat,+919009502427 Asi SindiyaMoghat,+919479994679 Asi SindiyaMoghat,+919826082544 Asi DholeMoghat,+919893545621 Asi NagrajChegaon,+919479994691 Asi NagrajChegaon,+919977766766 Asi MidaChegaon,+919424895451 Asi YadavPandhana,+918959380544 Asi RLChouhanPandhana,+919754365893 Asi KhanPiplod,+919479994739 Asi KhanPiplod,+919424866655 Asi KarilMundi,+919479994749 Asi KarilMundi,+919826441065 Asi RawalNarmadaNagar,+919479994758 Asi SKhanDhangaon,+919479994753 Asi SKhanDhangaon,+919926900786 Asi NsRathoreKhalwa,+919479994770 Asi NsRathoreKhalwa,+919926906430 Asi HanifKhanKillod,+919479994776 Asi HanifKhanKillod,+919754202186 Asi HsRawatJawar,+919479994735 Asi HsRawatJawar,+919893429599 Asi ChoudharyHarsud,+919479994763 Asi ChoudharyHarsud,+919425088120 Asi EliyasKhanHarsud,+919479994764 Asi EliyasKhanHarsud,+919575528988

MP Police: Bhopal: भोपाल गैसकांड की बरसी के दिन की मारपीट पर गरजे आईजी विजय यादव, राजधानी में कानून हाथ में लेने वालों को क्या पुलिस का खौफ नहीं रहा?

भोपाल. राजधानी में कानून हाथ में लेने वालों को क्या पुलिस का खौफ नहीं रहा? भोपाल आईजी विजय यादव कहते हैं- हां, अब उपद्रवी भीड़ पुलिस से नहीं डरती, इसकी वजह पुलिस में आत्मविश्वास की कमी है। उनका कहना है पुलिस को खुद इस बात का डर रहता है कि यदि उसने कानून का पालन कराने के लिए कड़ी कार्रवाई की, तो कहीं आगे चलकर ‘व्यवस्था’ उसे संरक्षण देगी भी या नहीं? दरअसल, हाल के दिनों में राजधानी में यह तीसरा वाकया हुआ, जब पुलिस को उत्पात मचाने वालों के सामने मुंह की खाना पड़ी। आखिर ऐसे हालत क्यों बन रहे हैं? शनिवार को गैस पीड़ितों के रेल रोको आंदोलन के दौरान पुलिस पर पथराव और अफसरों की गाड़ियां जलाने की घटना के बाद दैनिक भास्कर ने यही सवाल आईजी से किया तो उन्होंने भी माना कि अपने अधिकारों के आगे दूसरों के अधिकारों के हनन की प्रवृत्ति ने असामाजिक तत्वों में भी पुलिस का डर खत्म कर दिया है।
नौ हजार लोगों पर एक पुलिसकर्मी आईजी श्री यादव के मुताबिक एक पुलिसकर्मी के भरोसे नौ हजार लोगों की सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदारी है। ऐसा ही मंजर उग्र भीड़ के सामने होता है। नाराज भीड़ के एक शख्स को काबू करने या गिरफ्तार करने के लिए तीन पुलिसकर्मियों की जरूरत पड़ती है। ऐसे माहौल में पुलिस का खौफ कम होना लाजमी है। तीन वाकये जब मुंह की खानी पड़ी इसी साल 18 जून को शाहजहांनाबाद इलाके में मामूली बात पर पुलिसकर्मियों की पिटाई कर दी गई और पुलिस से रिवाल्वर, वायरलेस सेट छीन लिया। ञ्च 10 अगस्त को इतवारा में मामूली बात पर दो पक्षों में हिंसक घटना हुई। भीड़ ने पुलिस पर पथराव किया। एसपी अभय सिंह की आंख की रोशनी चली गई। ञ्च अब 03 दिसंबर को अचानक बेकाबू हुई भीड़ ने पुलिस को खदेड़ दिया। विवाद गैस कांड की 27वीं बरसी पर हुआ।

KN Police: Bang'lore: धर्म परिवर्तन कराने के आरोप में लिप्त पुलिस कांस्टेबल समेत तीन लोग गिरफ्तार..

मदिकेटी. कर्नाटक के मदिकेटी में कथित रूप से धर्म परिवर्तन के लिए प्रेरित करने के आरोप में एक पुलिस कांस्टेबल सहित तीन लोगों को पुलिस ने कल गिरफ्तार कर लिया।
पुलिस के अनुसार सूचना मिलने के बाद हिन्दू कार्यकर्ता राजेश नामक व्यक्ति के घर पर पहुंचे,जहां आरोपी प्रसन्ना,झंसी और संजना किताबें और सीडी देकर उसे धर्म परिवर्तन के लिए प्रेरित कर रहे थे। कार्यकर्ताओं ने तीनों को पकड़कर पुलिस के हवाले कर दिया। बाद में काफी संख्या में लोग मौके पर पहुंचे तथा किताब,इश्तहारों तथा सीडी को जलाने का प्रयास करने लगे१ पुलिस द्वारा उचित कार्रवाई का आश्वासन दिए जाने के बाद लोग शांत हुए।

Delhi Police: पुलिस अधिकारियों को चूना लगाने वाला पकड़ा गया, खुद को बताता था कभी मुख्यमंत्री, तो कभी उप-राष्ट्रपति का पीएस..

Police on Monday arrested a 26-year-old man for cheating several police officers and senior bureaucrats by posing as the personal secretary of various dignitaries, including Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and Vice-President Hamid Ansari. A cellphone, fake appointment letters and visiting cards were recovered from his possession.
Police said Gulshan alias Gagan Sharma, a resident of Mohan Garden in West Delhi’s Uttam Nagar, had been posing as the personal secretary to the Chief Minister for the last three to four years to make some money on the side by getting odd jobs done at various government departments. “Gulshan got fake visiting cards made, identifying himself as the Chief Minister’s personal secretary. He used to call senior officials at various departments to get work done. On December 3, he called up three SHOs and ACPs of Najafgarh area, asking them to release a person accused in a brawl. He said the accused was ‘close’ to the Chief Minister,” said Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southwest) Parmaditya.

Police Policy: MP Police: Bhopal: 'पुलिस एक्ट' को लेकर लगी मध्यप्रदेश सरकार को फटकार, हाईकोर्ट ने पूछा क्या हुआ पुलिस एक्ट में बदलाव का..

BHOPAL: The Madhya Pradesh High Court has issued notice to state government on a contempt petition, alleging that its orders to make provision for security commission in the Police Act has not been complied with. In its order dated September 22, the High Court had granted two months time to the state government for amending the Police Act and making a provision for security commission. The matter had initially come up before the High Court in 2009.
RTI activist Ajay Dubey, who moved the petition, filed a contempt petition in the high court as the relevant bill did not come up during the winter session of the assembly, which was adjourned sine die on December two. Hearing the petition, a division bench comprising Justice K K Lahoti and Justice Vimla Jain directed issuance of notice to the state government and fixed the next date of hearing on December 15. The State government plans to set up a security commission remained in pipeline for the last two years . The Commission is supposed to regulate the police functioning in State, including their transfers and promotions. It will comprise of the Home Minister, the Director General of Police (DGP), leaders from the opposition parties and social activists.

Bihar Police: Patna: कांस्टेबल भर्ती पर बवाल, पटना हाईकोर्ट ने मांगी चयनित उम्मीदवारों की सूची..

PATNA: The Patna High Court (HC) on Friday gave specific direction to the state government to produce before it the list of finally selected 5,676 candidates who are to be appointed as constables soon. A single bench presided by Justice Jaya Nandan Singh on Friday issued the directive after the state government submitted two new and an old merit list of about 1,100 job aspirants for the post of constables on the basis of court directive issued on Thursday.
The order was passed on a set of writ petitions of the job aspirants for the post of constable when their lawyers Rajendra Prasad Singh and others submitted that the number of posts of constables reserved for homeguards and other categories were very high. Furthermore, many job aspirants who were selected from the reserved category posts in the list of 5,676 for appointment have not scored even the cut off marks for the job on the basis of written examinations, the counsel submitted. The petitioner's counsel submitted that due to selection of the candidates not scoring the cut off marks at the written test, the career of the petitioners, who had scored higher marks exceeding the cut off marks had been jeopardized. The case will again be heard on January 18.

MP Police: Jabalpur: मध्यप्रदेश हाईकोर्ट का आदेश, होमगार्ड को दो पुलिस कांस्टेबल का बेसिक...

JABALPUR: In major big relief to more than 16,000 home guards in the state, MP High Court here on Friday directed the state government to give minimum or a basic pay of a police constable to them since January this year. A single bench comprising Justice Rajendra Menon also asked the state to provide them work throughout the year after taking into account their fitness level in accordance to the law, the home guard's counsel Mrigendra Singh told TOI.
Furthermore, the court said if required the state should constitute a high level committee or commission to look into their working setup and lay down the scheme, rules, regulations and statuary rules for their service condition, he added. Also, HC said that the home guards basic pay revision should be done akin to the police department from time to time till a separate set of rules are worked out for them. The HC also asked the state to take note of the Human Rights Commission's recommendation in connection with home guards. The court direction came while allowing a clutch of petitions filed by Home Guards Sanik Avam Pariwar Kalyan Sangh and others stating that their call off (lay off) period of four months in a year was rendering them jobless. In their plea, the homeguards said that they were living in an abject poverty as they were getting a paltry honorarium.